benefits of focus groups

2022 ATAE Education & Events Focus Group Meeting, August 10-12, Indianapolis Conrad Hotel, Indianapolis, IN. What Are the Benefits of Focus Group Studies? Although group interviews are often used simply as a quick and convenient way to collect data from several people simultaneously, focus groups explicitly use group interaction as part of the method. They also take less time than one-on-one interviews with every employee. Well firstly, one of the main benefits of focus groups is that they offer an in-depth understanding of the participants. In Invite participants with a positive message and inform them of the benefits of participating. Co-workers and friends are more comfortable in voicing views in each other's company than on their own with the researcher. Mountain View Benefits specializes in exclusive benefits, and employee group benefits plans and retirement. A group usually involves six to ten respondents brought together with a trained moderator to take part in a planned discussion. Wilkinson, S. (1998). Watching professionals getting together to solve minuscule or magnitude tasks alongside. The main characteristic of a focus group is the interaction between the moderator and the group, as well as the interaction between group members. Not only are they cost effective, but they engage employees in a manner that computer-based employee opinion surveys cannot. The small business benefits of focus groups, customer interviews and qualitative research. a. If you are a chatty person who likes to interact with other people, setting up a focus group will be the best research method for your business. 4/14/10. The most obvious benefits include the fact that the researcher can interact with the participants and pose follow up questions to get more in depth with the conversation. Focus group discussion: a tool for health and medical research Wong, L P. Singapore Medical Journal 2008 volume 49 issue 3 p. 256-261 . QUESTION: Unemployment benefits & focus groups Submitted by Anonymooose on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 9:37am. We did a content analysis of focus groups with parents (n=21), teachers (n=10), project staff (n=21), and children (n=17) in three low-income Ontario communities. Focus groups . Focus group questions example. Question 23. Benefits platform. Improving focus increases your effectiveness which, in turn, helps you to make more and faster progress. A focus group is a useful method that can be used to measure the reaction of customers to your new product or company strategies. Every company has their own focus groups and they have a greater role to play in the company. There are many benefits of employee focus groups. With the dynamic offerings and needs of the educational technology market, it is hard to stabilize your learner analysis findings. Turkle, S. (2011). More background information will be sent to those confirming attendance before the focus group. The focus group participants also evaluated the focus group experience as positive and beneficial. The group states that I will receive an "honorarium" for my participation: does this count as income or work? Licensed in both Alberta and British Columbia, we focus on flexible health spending account taxable benefits, with customized programs for organizations of all sizes. Aim: This paper is a presentation of the critical reflection on the types of findings obtained from the combination of individual interviews and focus groups, and how such triangulation contributes to knowledge production and synthesis. The SGDO and QUTE will host 3 focus groups for trans and nonbinary staff, faculty and librarians, as well as staff, faculty and librarians with trans and nonbinary dependents, for input. Social science researchers can derive multiple benefits from using focus groups. Toya M. Oyeilumi. Examines the effects of a focus group discussion on elderly worriers (N=21; at least 70 years old and self-designated as worriers). August 23, 2012. Measure reactions, not just opinions A key advantage of focus groups is that they take place face-to-face. Results indicate that the percentage of the day that participants spent worrying was significantly reduced after the focus group. Employers, health plans and brokers rely on Benefitfocus to simplify everything about benefits Simplified benefits administration Simplify enrollment, help control costs and increase engagement for a happier, more productive workforce. Do you suspect benefits fraud or plan abuse? Benefits information above is provided anonymously by current and former Focus Group employees, and may include a summary provided by the employer. Benefit Catalog partners can accelerate speed to market, reduce operational costs and deliver a more seamless consumer . Benefit Of Focus Groups Focus groups are often portrayed as heartless in fiction, but in real life they remain a useful feedback method. One can get a great deal of information during a focus group session. Estimate damages. Focus groups are a form of group interview that capitalises on communication between research participants in order to generate data. Within a group there is a wealth of tacit and experiential knowledge from the outset as in the Learn about Focus Group , including insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and vacation policy. Focus groups are an effective means to obtain employee feedback on working conditions, workplace issues, wages, benefits or organizational changes in the works. Background: Increasingly, qualitative method triangulation is advocated as a strategy to achieve more comprehensive understandings of phenomena. Industry-leading solution to strengthen . Benefits of Focus Group Research Introduction: Focus group research offers the unique opportunity for researchers to perceive an individual, and their opinions, not only in an exclusive situation, but also as part of a group. Government agencies and consulting firms as well as other businesses use focus groups for research purposes because of their significant benefits. As can be inferred from the above description, the focus group format has several advantages: it is relatively inexpensive. New York: Basic Books. 2. Advantages of a Focus Group Focus groups are a cheaper means of obtaining information, as compared to individual interviews. Focus groups are used in those cases when you need answers that aren't sufficient to be captured via surveys. By Jennifer LoBianco. E) a, b, and c. Explore answers and all related questions. Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups in Research Following are the main advantages of focus group discussion in research: It is an inexpensive and fast method of acquiring valuable data. 2022 ATAE Group Benefits Focus Group Meeting, April 20-22, Renaissance Downtown, Charleston, SC. This ebook will help you get started. 4/14/10. Focus groups provide a wide variety of benefits, including: Open discussions between participants can lead to new ideas and insights that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of and can be useful for making business decisions. … For example, government employee benefit packages for full-time employees look very different from the packages offered to part-time employees. In the next sections, we will discuss focus group questions example. Fifteen focus group discussions (FDG) were conducted with 145 refugees to explore their views, including ten FGDs held in Mussungue reception centre on 23-24 June 2017 and five FDGs in Cacanda reception centre on 8 July 2017. Professionals have and want to participate in various focus groups for better results. Benefits for having a focus group when coming up with ideas 5 July 2016. They are also used to supplement the results obtained via research surveys. Benefitfocus | A Single Solution for Benefits Management Simple. I'm xxxx from the RAND Corporation here in Washington, DC and I'll be facilitating our group today. In particular, we would like to know insert two or three bullets points about what you want to know generally). Some may want feedback on a product before it is unveiled to the public, whereas others may use a focus group to discuss a political campaign. Title: 103.PDF Author: jcnunes Created Date: 11/25/2004 1:56:08 PM Focus groups can also lead to meaningful action sourced straight from employee ideas. One is that focus groups are an economical, fast, and efficient method for obtaining data from multiple participants HCM 375. They help the company to grow as they are sort of critics who tell what is good and what is right for the company by forming their own ideas and correcting the wrong ones. Attorneys can meticulously detail the costs of an injury, but in the end, the amount of damages in a car accident case is up to the jury. 2022 ATAE Winter Meeting, March 9-10, Encore Hotel, Las Vegas, NV. thoughts and opinions. The key benefits identified by the three adult groups were hunger alleviation and social contact opportunities for both parents and children. A semi-structured guide with open-ended questions, that was first pilot tested with one focus group of 5 people with CRD, was used to allow an interactive discussion. Press. Focus groups are a powerful means to evaluate services or test new ideas. Select a focus group leader who is outside of the organization, so employees aren't fearful of backlash. This is a widely used marketing tool that helps organizations develop products and services that are influenced by participating customers. When in the focus group, they will be asked a number of predetermined questions to discover their thoughts and feelings about a particular topic, product, or area of interest. Focus Groups. Seamless. Crucially, where this differs from research conducted through surveys or phone interviews is that you're not only getting a person's opinions, but their reactions, too. In relation to improving employee engagement within an organisation, focus groups present a wealth of benefits, including: Beyond words and text Reading written answers, or even hearing a voice recording, may not reveal some of the underlying body language or facial expressions that may give more insights than any of the words spoken. Advertisement. Perhaps the most important thing we were able to take from our experience was how much our audience appreciated . Depending on the type of organization and the job, employee benefits may be quite different. Benefits of Focus Groups on Health Care Research: A Critique. A focus group is a form of qualitative research, usually involving 6-8 respondents. The FGDs were held separately for female and male refugees in three distinct population groups: adolescents (13-17 years What are the benefits of focus groups? Benefits of Focus Groups on Health Care Research: A Critique. Focus groups usually provide immediate ideas for the improvement of particular products or concepts. Toya M. Oyeilumi. 2022 ATAE Legislative Conference, October 11-12, Ritz-Carlton Hotel . Thank you for coming to this focus group discussion. Focus group discussion is a research methodology in which a small group of participants gather to discuss a specified topic or an issue to generate data. The main benefits of focus group studies come from their ability to bring a greater depth in the analysis of attitudes and opinions on various topics. Benefits Enrollment Focus Group Questions (Customized for the employer) 1. The advantages of focus groups 1. Using focus groups: lessons from studying daycare centers, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina. Used with all of the above, a focus group is an integral part of gauging public perceptions. The group functions as a promoter of synergy and spontaneity by encouraging the participants to comment, explain, disagree, and share their views. A focus group is an essential research method where ten people take part in a group discussion led by a moderator. These are all important especially in the short-term, but there are also some mid-long-term benefits of being more focused. Identify the major objective of the meeting. Perhaps the most important thing we were able to take from our experience was how much our audience appreciated . Answered; question / pregunta: I'm currently receiving unemployment benefits and will be participating in a one-day paid focus group. GROUP 1 . As products and services improve consumer expectations change. 2022 ATAE Legislative Conference, October 11-12, Ritz-Carlton Hotel . (RJM) Critique # 2. Benefits of focus groups include: A) ideas that can drop "out of the blue." B) snowballing of ideas. STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION GUIDE . Immediate Feedback - A focus group is a useful method that can be used to measure the reaction of customers to your new product or company strategies. 2022 ATAE Education & Events Focus Group Meeting, August 10-12, Indianapolis Conrad Hotel, Indianapolis, IN. Preparing for the Session 1. The focus group's questions can add depth to the original preparation, or it can inspire us to take a completely different approach to presenting the case. Topics: Scientific method, Focus group, Research Pages: 2 (473 words) Published: October 30, 2011. Benefits of Focus Groups Include. The benefits of focus groups far outweigh any of the perceived barriers that exist. The fact that the group process helps people to identify and clarify their views is considered to be an important advantage of focus groups compared with individual interviews (Kitzinger, 1995). Focus Groups are an integral part of gauging public perceptions. Qualitative Research, 9(1), 31-59. Critique # 2. Benefits of Focus Groups. When well executed, a focus group creates an accepting environment that puts participants at ease allowing then to thoughtfully answer questions in their own words and add meaning to their answers. Here are four unexpected benefits that clients have realized by improving their focus. The ideal group size is 6-8 per focus group. This enables researchers to uncover personal attitudes and beliefs that other market research methods can't replicate - which, in turn, means more insightful results. Unpaid or informal caregivers provide up to 75% of care for those aged 65 and over. Builds Momentum. Benefitfocus has implemented thousands of reliable connections with insurance carriers, HCM providers and third parties to facilitate the timely, accurate and secure flow of benefits-related data. Focus group discussions are an effective way to gather input on a selected topic, feedback on the launch of a new program and possible impacts on stakeholders. Benefits of Focus Groups in Research. If you have fewer than 50 employees, please contact the Client Relations Representative Team at 1-866-606-8936. CHARLESTON, S.C. , Nov. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Benefitfocus, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNFT), an industry-leading benefits technology platform that simplifies benefits administration for employers, health plans and brokers, today announced its participation in the Piper Sandler 33rd Annual Virtual. 2022 ATAE Group Benefits Focus Group Meeting, April 20-22, Renaissance Downtown, Charleston, SC. Focus groups are well suited for those situations. Carefully executing several phases of research can help you . Learn about Focus Group , including insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and vacation policy. Introduction (2 min) Welcome. Focus groups usually provide immediate ideas for the improvement . • Develop the focus group guide. They are still used by research and development, as well as whole companies, to create and review ideas, among other things. Benefits of Focus Group Research Introduction: Focus group research offers the unique opportunity for researchers to perceive an individual, and their opinions, not only in an exclusive situation, but also as part of a group. Please note, this is for appointed staff and faculty only. Focus group surveys are conducted by a skilled and knowledgeable leader who has relevant experience in the field of discussion. The focus group will provide an opportunity for you to find out about (insert relevant information). Focus groups in eLearning will teach you an extra thing or two about your learners. Conducting employee focus groups can be a great way to gather employee opinions, insights, and actionable ideas to make your workplace better. What is more, individuals are more likely to provide candid responses. 2022 ATAE Winter Meeting, March 9-10, Encore Hotel, Las Vegas, NV. Multiple Choice. November 25, 2021. Benefits information above is provided anonymously by current and former Focus Group employees, and may include a summary provided by the employer. Focus groups in feminist research: Power, interaction, and the co-construction . Benefits of focus groups research; Furthermore, in the past years, books on the use and benefits of focus groups have emerged (Krueger, 1988; Morgan, 1988). They can help you gain deeper insight into employee perceptions, needs, and wants. The Benefits of Focus Group Transcription and 3 Simple Steps for a Successful Recording Focus groups can come in many forms. Focus Group 1: December 02 @ 12:00pm - Trans and nonbinary staff, faculty and librarians The focus group guide is a series a questions and prompts for the facilitator to use. Focus group interviews were conducted separately with each stakeholder group containing 6 to 12 participants in a room with only the participants and the moderator (C.D. What are the benefits of focus groups? Using focus groups in eLearning design will add the desired edge needed in your learner analysis report. Very important; I value the opportunity to make changes. Two key components of planning your focus groups include developing the focus group guide and deciding the number and type of participants. Results can be easier to understand than complicated statistical data. Focus groups are forums used to gather qualitative data on the customer experience. Successful focus groups start with thorough planning. Subjects rated the experience as positive and beneficial. The researcher can also get information from non-verbal responses such as facial expressions and body language. Focus group discussion: a tool for health and medical research Wong, L P. Singapore Medical Journal 2008 volume 49 issue 3 p. 256-261 . However, they do have some obvious benefits: The researcher can interact with the participants, pose follow-up questions or ask questions that probe more deeply. Usually this is support given to family members, including parents, adult siblings and others. You can use them as part of your employee survey action plan or anytime throughout the year. Participants are able to listen to the responses of other participants and "feed off each other." The groups generally result in more data being gathered, as participants are given the opportunity to rebut each other. Jacob Queen Focus group interviews usually result in a wealth of data that can be applied in many different ways. The benefits of focus groups far outweigh any of the perceived barriers that exist. Instead of having to devote a whole day to meet each applicant one by one, you talk to them all in one shorter session. Mentioned below are a few features, advantages and disadvantages of focus groups With me is xxxx, another member of the study team. or A.M.). D) easy interpretation of responses. Basically, focus groups are interviews, but of 6-10 people at the same time in the same group. Prolonged teams working on a specific task for its completion. In many cases, a focus group proves essential and may become an appropriate market research method for you and your business. How do you plan focus groups? Employee benefits packages are typically discussed during the final interview or at . Employee Benefits Plans. Conducting A Focus Group Survey. Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. Unpaid caregiving - provided to those with a health condition or aging-related needs - is widespread in Canada. When it comes to benefits fraud, Sun Life is an industry leader in both the size and the capabilities of its Fraud Risk Management team. Benefitplace Enrollment. Together, we examined real-time impacts of COVID-19 and covered questions around physical, financial . C) more spontaneous responses than in one-on-one interviews. Topics: Scientific method, Focus group, Research Pages: 2 (473 words) Published: October 30, 2011. The examples will serve as a ready reckoner while penning down questions for a focus group. Focus groups can reveal a wealth of detailed information and deep insight. During a focus group, discussion information is shared with a group of six to 10 participants to solicit their feedback through focused questions. Coworking space works best for coordination because shared office spaces provide support. The value of focus groups for therapeutic effectiveness and data collection with the elderly are discussed. Alternatively, you could spend the same amount of time and meet a much bigger pool of candidates. Focus group A, August 2001 1 FOCUS GROUP ON HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCES Moderator's Guidelines Background The main purpose of the focus group is to understand what concrete experiences constitute a person's encounter with a health care provider or the health system. Now as we have understood the benefits of focus group questions, we need to now draw our attention to examples of focus group survey questions. One of the biggest benefits of a group interview is how quick it is. They are recruited to participate in a discussion to understand their opinions and attitudes towards particular products or services. How important is the annual enrollment process to you? Within a group there is a wealth of tacit and experiential knowledge from the outset as in the course of most people's . Pro: Save time and widen the pool. Willis Towers Watson's COVID-19 Employee Wellbeing - Virtual Focus Group was held on Tuesday, 12 May where we welcomed employers who came from a diverse range of roles including Rewards, Benefits, HR, Employee Experience and Wellbeing. HCM 375. There are two other important strengths of the group discussion method: (1) it allows for the presence of observers, especially in the face-to-face (in-person and sometimes video) mode; and (2) it increases the likelihood that a wide range of attitudes, knowledge, and experiences will be captured in one group session. Widely used marketing tool that helps organizations develop products and services that are influenced participating. Real-Time impacts of COVID-19 and covered questions around physical, financial and prompts for the facilitator to use tasks. More spontaneous responses than in one-on-one interviews better results the most important we! Getting together to solve minuscule or magnitude tasks alongside the three adult groups were hunger and! //Pubmed.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/18394035/ '' > Advantages & amp ; Events focus group guide and deciding the number and type participants... Sufficient to be captured via surveys to understand their opinions and attitudes towards particular or! 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